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Take Your Magnifying Makeup Routine On The Road

Take Your Magnifying Makeup Routine On The Road

If you’re someone who travels regularly, you know how difficult it can be to effectively take your morning routine on the road. Whether you love going for a morning jog in your local neighbourhood, dropping into your preferred coffee shop, or spending some time journaling on the deck, there’s no place like home when it comes to the comforts that help prepare us for the day.

One practical challenge that can arise when travelling is how to get ready in spaces that are different to your own. If you’ve ever stayed in a hotel with difficult access to power plugs or your rose gold hollywood led makeup mirrors, you know how frustrating it can be to simply find the space you need to finish your morning hair and 10x magnification makeup routine. 

If you’ve run into this challenge before, it’s time to look at how you can increase the ease of taking your makeup routine on the road. With some careful planning and some easy switches, you can set yourself up for easy application, no matter where you find yourself. 

Take Your Magnifying Makeup Routine On The Road

Plan for a lack of access - lets not go wall mount on this one!

If you’re travelling with friends or family, odds are high that you won’t have as much time in a shared bathroom to finish your morning routine as you would at home. You can overcome this challenge by bringing the tools you need to simplify the process of getting ready without complete access.

If you constantly need water to do your hair, throw a spray bottle into your suitcase, solving that access issue. Our portable travel LED light makeup mirror boxes also completely remove the need to access a mirror, giving you the freedom to get ready for the day wherever, whenever. By combining a seamless storage compartment, you can pack the supplies you need directly with the mirror itself (which doubles as the makeup box lid), making the process easier than ever. I mean this is where portable LED Makeup Mirrors, not Hollywood LED Vanity Mirrors come in handy.

Take Your Magnifying Makeup Routine On The Road

Pack products strategically

An overnight trip isn’t the time to pack every palette you’ve ever bought just in case the mood strikes to wear it. When you’re going on a short trip, packing strategically can help you to limit the amount of products you need to cart with you. 

Look for multi-purpose products that can bring colour or coverage to more than one area of your face.

 Consider eye and cheek sticks, palettes that incorporate highlighter, blush and bronzer all-in-one, or a lipstick that can also work perfectly as a pop of liquid eyeshadow. 

You may discover a whole new look you love because you’re working with a reduced toolkit!

Use reusable travel containers

Rather than carrying large products around, pick up some reusable travel containers and fill them with some of your favourite products. 

This will give you the benefit of all of your normal tools on the road without loading your suitcase up with full-sized shampoos, conditioners, foundations and concealers. 

With reusable options on the market, you can travel with mini-sized products in a completely sustainable, environmentally-friendly way.

Thanks for reading. The team at Makeup Mirrors Australia.


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